Saturday 28 May 2011

1 Week Break at Miri

The local communities in East Malaysia will be celebrating Harvest Festival (Gawai) on next Wednesday and Thursday. The exodus has started and the traffic in Miri has become visibly less busy as more Mirian and non-Sarawakians (who work here) heading back their villages in inner Sarawak, Kota Kinabalu (yes, a large number of KK people work in Miri) and Peninsular Malaysia.

As usual my employer company has declared next Monday and Tuesday as bridging leave, whilst Friday will be a in lieu holiday for King's birthday which falls on next Saturday. With that, wala... I'll have a week of short break which I pretty much look forward to, and have even made a trip to the Popular Bookshop to get some books.

Have not been to Sibu yet but from the internet, these 2 photos best sum up the rush and the mood of locals to return to their kampung to celebrate Gawai. Happy Gawai Festival !!!

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